ICD USA Section - Executive Committee Meeting

ICD USA Section - Executive Committee Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting via Zoom

Committee Members: Dr. Gerald R. Karr (ICD USA Section President), Dr. Rise' L. Martin (ICD USA Section President-Elect), Dr. Daniel W. Fridh (ICD USA Section Vice President), Dr. Richard F. Roadcap (ICD USA Section Editor), Dr. Ronald P. Lemmo (ICD USA Section Treasurer), Dr. James C. Setterberg (ICD USA Section Past President), Dr. Elaine C. Wagner (ICD USA Section Registrar), Dr. Keith W. Suchy (ICD USA Section Deputy Registrar), Dr. Edwin L. Morris (ICD USA Section Foundation President)

Zoom correspondence will be sent out by email from the ICD USA Section Office. 
Staff Coordinator:
Dr. Elaine Wagner

4/23/2021 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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