127 campuses have saved 19,862,833 kilograms of carbon helping to limit shifting weather patterns

Our Impact

Our network of environmental sustainability initiatives at campuses world wide has had a major impact on our planet. Last year's campus imitative was a huge success, resulting in the reduction of over 19 million kilograms of carbon. With your help we will continue this work at campuses around the world.

593 tonnes of CO2 reduced

A college in Alberta worked with farmers in Costa Rica to plant enough fast growing trees to compensate for the 593 tonnes of carbon dioxide emitted annually by the campus's college center over the next 30 years.

3218 light bulbs replaced

A light bulb exchange program at the International School of Singapore allows students to exchange inefficient light bulbs for energy efficient bulbs. The old bulbs are then decorated and sold as art to fund the program.

Solar energy for boilers

At our partner campus in Adelaide, solar panels were fitted to a residence hall to offset the power required by a boiler plant that was installed that same year. Savings from the combined reduction is approximately what one residence hall would use in an academic year.

I heard of the iMIS Foundation Campus Initiative when I became Vice-Provost at Central Highlands University. We partnered with the foundation to make our campus as green as we could. Within one year, we powered 27% of our energy needs with wind and solar sources. In addition, simple conservation efforts and a comprehensive campus recycling programme resulted in a 128-tonne reduction of the carbon dioxide we emit. We could not have made these dramatic improvements without funding and direction from the iMIS Foundation! Cameron Simpson